Australia-based CEO Nilesh Makwana is putting India-Australia relations in the spotlight with the launch of his new book, “Terminal 4 – An Entrepreneur’s Journey from Bicycle to Business Class.”
The launch of the book coincides with the Western Australian (WA) Government’s investment and trade mission to India, which will see key WA Government and business representatives visit Delhi, Mumbai, Visakhapatnam and Chennai to build stronger economic and cultural ties with India.
“Terminal 4 – An Entrepreneur’s Journey from Bicycle to Business Class” will be launched in Delhi on 12 July 2022. The WA Deputy Premier Hon. Roger Cook MLA and WA International Education Minister Hon. David Templeman MLA will be in attendance.
The Deputy Premier said he was pleased to support Mr Makwana’s book launch, which showcases Perth as a place where people can live, learn and launch their entrepreneurial journey.
“Nilesh Makwana’s entrepreneurial story is a great example of the positive impact Indian migrants have made to not only WA’s business community, but the wider community,” Mr Cook said.
The launch of Mr Makwana’s book follows the reopening of the WA border and the welcoming of international students back to Perth. India is WA’s largest international student market, accounting for 20 per cent of enrolments in 2021.
Minister Templeman said he hoped Mr Makwana’s story would encourage India’s tertiary students of the future to think about what WA has to offer.
“With our world-class universities, strong economy, wealth of job opportunities and desirable lifestyle, WA is a study destination like no other,” Mr Templeman said.
“Terminal 4 – An Entrepreneur’s Journey from Bicycle to Business Class” is Mr Makwana’s first book which tells his story as an Indian high school failure, who, despite not being successful academically, travels the world and eventually becomes a global award-winning entrepreneur in Australia, and lecturer to master level student at an international university. Mr Makwana said he hoped “Terminal 4 – An Entrepreneur’s Journey from Bicycle to Business Class” would be another way he could make a difference.
“My hope is that the book can inspire other young men and women to believe that their dreams are achievable with tenacity and hard work,” Mr Makwana said.
Terminal 4 – An Entrepreneur’s Journey from Bicycle to Business Class will be launched on July 12 at Taj Palace, New Delhi – India.
Author bio :
Nilesh Makwana is an Indian-Australian entrepreneur living and working in Perth, with his lovely wife Lene, a Norwegian artist.
Nilesh is the co-founder and CEO of illuminance Solutions, a National Technology Company, and a Microsoft Global Partner for Social Impact.
With his partner Vincent Lam, Nilesh has built a high-performing team of co-workers from 26 different countries, making it one of the most diverse workplaces in Australia.
When he is not working, Nilesh can be found partying with friends (but he is strictly no alcohol!) or playing cricket, tennis, swimming, or cycling. He is a vegetarian and a big fan of reggae music – particularly Bob Marley.
With his wife, Lene, Nilesh has established a NGO – Borderless Gandhi to promote Mahatma Gandhi’s message of peace, equality and non-violence through various artistic reflections.
Nilesh has the honour of being an Auspire – Australia Day Council Ambassador and with his interactions with community members he inspires Australians to be more diverse and inclusive.
In recognition of his many achievements, Nilesh has won many national and international awards.
Nilesh’s first book, “Terminal 4 – An Entrepreneur’s journey from bicycle to business class” takes readers from his childhood in India to his studies in the UK and Australia and his business ventures – all through the lens of a migrant.
Contact Nilesh’s PR & Communications Manager Tamra Carr on email: tamra.carr@illuminancesolutions.com.au or phone +61477557180 to request review copies, extracts, interviews + content pieces.